Gain Liquidity.
Gain Insight.
Gain Bandwidth.
Optimize your exits with superior advice on liquidity options.
VO₂ evaluates investees’ prospects for follow-on capital raises & liquidity events. And we deliver liquidity by executing primary and secondary sale transactions.
Optimize your decisions with superior reporting.
VO₂ provides clear and digestible reporting on individual investees, and entire portfolios.
Optimize your bandwidth with day-to-day investment management.
VO₂ provides day-to-day management solutions where investors have constrained bandwidth, orphaned direct investments, or have diminished confidence in outside GPs.
A $30B AUM asset manager asked for our help.
The firm’s investment team was highly experienced but leanly-staffed. They had a $100 million portfolio of venture capital investments made through an outside GP which had exhausted its committed capital, requiring the client’s investment team to evaluate follow-ons on a deal-by-deal basis – often with a short fuse.
The client needed clearer reporting to better understand their investment performance.
They required outside perspective on their liquidity options, and on their marks.
And they required day-to-day support on management of the portfolio, to regain bandwidth to allow them to focus on their larger, more strategic investments.
“We engaged VO₂ to assist us with the oversight and outsourcing of a portion of our venture capital portfolio. The engagement has been quite successful thus far, with the VO₂ team delivering returns and improving reporting, transparency, and governance. They’ve become a trusted advisor and, in some ways, an extension of our investment team.”
We’re relentlessly focused on delivering the optimal possible investment performance.
We’re relentless about sparing no effort to deliver you perfect visibility into your portfolio.
We’re relentless about looking for every possible means to deliver value back to you, whether that means taking Board positions with investees, raising new third party capital to fortify an investee’s balance sheet, or taking an investee to market to deliver you liquidity.
Relentlessly delivered.
We’ve been asked, “What’s your secret to delivering fundamental improvement in investment performance?”
The secret is, there is no secret. There’s no magic formula. It’s about relentlessly driving for better outcomes. It’s about pulling every available lever, from taking on Board governance at investees; to developing a richly contextualized perspective on a portfolio’s prospects; to rigorously underwriting everything we do to ensure we deeply understand both the target company and the alignment with your objectives; to relentlessly questioning every decision we make about deploying capital.
It’s about doing the work.
It’s about shoe leather.
That’s the secret.
Q x (CaO2 – CvO2) calculates the maximal volume of oxygen uptake per kilo of body mass per minute. It’s the ultimate measure of human athletic performance.
What IRR and MOIC are to investing, VO2 max is human performance. We think it’s a good metaphor for what VO2 Partners does – striving to deliver the maximal level of investment performance.
Laurence is a Partner at VO₂ Partners. He was previously the Chief Strategy Officer of Flowr Corp (TSXV: FLWR). He founded VO₂ Partners in 2011 with backing from GCI, the family office of Gary Comer, the founder of Lands’ End, which was sold to Sears for $2B.
Laurence previously founded boutique M&A advisory firm Levi Littell Herbst & Co., which was acquired by transaction services firm Sikich Group. He began his career as a transactional attorney at Latham & Watkins.
Laurence received a JD with Stone Scholar honors from Columbia Law School, and he received BA’s with honors in Political Science, and German Literature from the University of Wisconsin.
Peter is a Partner at VO₂ Partners. He has 35 years investment experience as a middle market private equity GP including buyouts, growth capital and restructurings. He founded Monhegan Partners, a PE investment and strategic advisory firm.
He was previously a Managing Director of Red Diamond Capital, a Mitsubishi Corporation-backed PE investment firm, and a Managing Director of Weiss Peck & Greer, a PE/VC investment firm.
Peter received an MBA from The Wharton School, and he received a BA from Trinity College.
Tom is a partner at VO₂ Partners. He is the Founder and President of The Courtney Group, and he has advised on more than 60 investment banking transactions and has completed 18 private equity investments as principal.
Tom held previous private equity and investment banking positions with Morgan Stanley & Co.; Alex. Brown & Sons, Inc.; James D. Wolfensohn Incorporated, and Peers & Co.
Tom received an MBA in Finance from The Wharton School, and a BA in Economics from Princeton University.
Jason is a Vice President at VO₂ Partners where he is responsible for quantitative and qualitative investment analysis and reporting. He is also the founder & principal of finance consultancy Fox One Solutions. He was previously in the investment banking division at Goldman Sachs.
Jason received an MBA with honors from The Wharton School. He received an MA in International Economics and Development from the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies at Johns Hopkins University; and he received a BS in Systems Engineering with distinction from the United States Naval Academy.
Josh is an analyst at VO₂ Partners. He spent 10 years in the U.S. Navy with deployments to Afghanistan, Iraq, and Southeast Asia working on dozens of mission sets ranging from counter terrorism and war game scenarios to implementing new technology into the military.
Josh received an MBA from Columbia Business School with a focus on entrepreneurship, and a BA in Accounting and Finance from Southern Methodist University.
Keiran is an Analyst at VO₂ Partners where he is responsible for supporting all aspects of our quantitative and qualitative investment analysis, including primary and secondary research at the sector and investee level. He was previously an equity research analyst with Moelis, and an investment analyst with Argyle Capital Partners.
Keiran received a BS in Business Finance & IT with distinction from University of Technology in Sydney and he is a CFA Level 3 candidate at the CFA Institute.
Jake is an analyst at VO₂ Partners where he is responsible for supporting all aspects of our quantitative and qualitative investment analysis, including primary and secondary research at the sector and investee level.
He was previously a Portfolio Underwriting Analyst in the Fund Banking division of M&T Bank. He is a 2025 MBA Candidate at the Cornell Johnson Graduate School of Management and holds a BA in Finance from Babson College.